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Hi Friends,welcome to assamstudy.in

Our website focuses on providing free information and resources to students that are persuading studies in Assam.Actually when it comes to studying Assam we don't find any website that is specific to Assam. Like in case of collage review there are many websites in INDIA that provides information about the collages.But when it comes to collages in Assam it does not provide the real and inside news from the collages.But our website will focus on providing antithetic information about the collages and other educational information.

We have our You tube channel that will provide different resources and information visually.

We will provide study material to all types of comm question papers from class 10 to P.Hd level.

So please subscribe to Our channel.Assam study


  1. i want zoology general question paper of 2018

  2. i want zoology general question paper of 6th sem of 2018


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