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Gauhati University Question Papers for English 3rd Semester

Gauhati University Question Papers for English 3rd Semester

Question Paper from 2010 available     

      More than 50 question papers every semester

Please check your syllabus before downloading the question paper.

If syllabus does not match then don't download the question paper.

Paper 101
 Paper 102

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The Social and Literary Context: The Victorian World

Marks 100 (80+20) [20 Marks Internal Assessment]. Credits: 8

This paper seeks to acquaint students with the contexts of the English literary tradition as it develops in the Victorian age. Students are expected to study the social and literary history of  the Victorian world as a necessary preparation for the texts that they will encounter in Paper VI. They will answer 4 questions of  14 marks each (14×4=56) and 4 questions of  6 marks each (4x6=24) based on the themes, topics and literary movements identified below.

The literary history and its context from 1830 to the present times will be studied with special reference to the following:
    The Reform Act 1832

    ‘The Condition of England’ – Carlyle and Dickens

    Victorian fiction with reference to the works of Charles Dickens, the Bronte Sisters, George

Eliot and Thomas Hardy

    Prose: Matthew Arnold and John Ruskin

    Poetry: Tennyson, the Brownings, Arnold, D.G. Rossetti and Christina Rossetti, G. M. Hopkins

    The Oxford Movement and the Crisis in Religion

    The Consolidation of the British Empire


Victorian Poetry and Fiction

Marks 100 (80+20) [20 Marks Internal Assessment]. Credits: 8

Students will here encounter the poetry that is characteristic of the Victorian period – forms like the dramatic monologue, the love poem, pre-Raphaelite experiments and the beginnings of modern poetic experience in Hopkins. They will also find examples of the great Victorian fiction that closely followed the social concerns of the period and experimented with narrative voice and perspective. There will be
4 questions of 14 marks each (4x14=56) that will focus on formal and thematic aspects of the poetry

and the fiction, 2 context questions from the starred poems in Section I, and 2 questions on characters and incidents from the fiction or essay in Section II (2x6 + 2x6 =24).

Section I: Poems

(2x14 + 2x6)

Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-92):

Robert Browning (1812-89): Tears, Idle Tears*; Break, break, break

Last Ride Together*
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-61): How do I love thee?

Matthew Arnold (1822-88):

D. G. Rossetti (1828-82): To Marguerite* ; Isolation

The Blessed Damozel
Christina Rossetti (1830-94): A Triad, In an Artist’s Studio.
G. M. Hopkins (1844-89): The Windhover* , Pied Beauty

Section II: Fiction

(2x14 + 2x6)

    George Eliot (1819-90):                     “Silly Novels by Lady Novelists”

    Charles Dickens (1812-70):                 A Tale of Two Cities
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928):               “The  Distracted  Preacher,” and  “The  Withered Arm” (from Wessex    Tales)


  1. BA 3rd sem english majore question paper 2016 and 2017

    1. 2016 is available here but 2017 is not out here. Generally in G.U exams you will not find more question from last year,the question are from other previous years other than last year. But i will try to find it soon. For any other query please comment.

    2. Why full marks 50 and questions are different?

  2. please specify your question. i have not understand your question well.

    1. I'm saying about the 3rd sem question papers.. Odd question papers.. Need the original semester question of 2016 and 2015 i.e full mark 80.. Check the question papers, it is 50 mark full.

    2. sir we are trying to find the question paper but able to find it. we are very sorry for your convenience.

    3. Plz try to put it before 26. I have been checking your..

    4. we will try to give this before 26 its not possible as we have not found it sir. sorry for our delay.

  3. Question paper of 2016 is not there

  4. Please upload the question papers of previous year final examinations ,3rd. SEM

  5. Why this papers are different and full marks is 50?
    The syllabus you mentioned,is right! But the question papers are not the same... full marks should be of 80...!

  6. 2017 question paper is not here


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