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Gauhati University Question Papers for Physics 3rd Semester

Gauhati University Question Papers for Physics 3rd Semester

Question Paper from 2010 available     


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Paper 101
 Paper 102

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PAPER: 301  (THEORY)        

1. Properties of matrices, Transpose matrix, complex conjugate matrix, Hermitian matrix, special  square  matrix,  unit  matrix,  diagonal  matrix,  co-factor  matrix,  adjoint  of  a matrix, self-adjoint  matrix, symmetric  matrix, anti-symmetric  matrix, unitary matrix, orthogonal matrix, trace of a matrix, inverse matrix.
12 Lectures
2. Eigenvalue problems, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Diagonalization of matrices.
6 Lectures
3. Co-ordinate transformations, rotation in two dimensions, rotation in three dimensions.

(b) ELECTROSTATICS:           
1.   Electric  field,  Electric  field  due  to  a  uniformly  charged  (a) wire,  (b) ring, and (c)
2.   Divergence   of   Electric   field,   Gauss’s   law   in   integral   and   differential   form, Applications  of  Gauss’s  law.    Curl  of  an  electric  field,  Electric  potential,  electric potential due to a uniformly charged - (a) wire, (b) ring, and (c) disc. Electric dipole, Potential and field due to a dipole, dipole in a uniform external electric field, dipole- dipole interaction. Multipole expansion of electrostatic potential due to a volume distribution of charge.                                                                                   
3.   Electrostatic boundary conditions. Electrostatic energy: Energy of (a) an assembly of point  charges,  (b)  uniformly  charged  sphere.  Laplace’s  and  Poisson’s  equations, boundary conditions and Uniqueness theorem, Solutions of Laplace’s equation in one 
dimension:     Electric  potential  and  intensity  (a)  inside  an  infinite  parallel  plate capacitor, (b) inside spherical capacitor, and (c) due to a  long and uniformly charged conductingwire.                                                                                            

4.   Method of electrical image with examples of (a) infinite grounded conducting plane and (b) grounded conducting sphere.                                                                

5. Dielectrics: induced dipoles, atomic polarisability, polar and nonpolar molecules, polarization. The electric field of a polarized object, bound charges, The electric field inside a dielectric, Gauss’s law in the presence of dielectrics, Electric displacement, linear dielectrics, susceptibility, permitivity and dielectric constant, Clausius-Mossotti equation.                                                                                                              

PAPER: 302 (THEORY)           


1.   Electric current density, continuity equation, Ohm’s law, Applications of Kirchoff’s law to solve electrical network problem, Kelvin double bridge for low resistance measurement, moving coil ballistic galvanometer and its sensitivity.          

2.   Electromagnetic   induction:   Self  and  mutual  induction,   coefficient   of  coupling, reciprocity  theorem,  self  induction  of  a  long  solenoid,  mutual  induction  of  two solenoids, measurement of L and M using d.c. source and ballistic galvanometer.

3.   Transient  growth  and  decay  of  current  in  LR,  CR  and  LCR  circuits,  oscillatory discharge. Thermo electricity: Coefficients of thermo-emf, thermoelectric power.

4.   Alternating  current:  Generation  of  alternating  current,  Phasor  (complex  number method)  method  of  analyzing  a.c.  circuits,  current  and  potential  across  resistive, inductive and capacitive elements and their phase relationships, power  factor, LR, CR and LCR (series and parallel) circuits, quality factor, resonance; Maxwell’s LC bridge and Anderson’s bridge.                                                                               

5.   Rotating magnetic field, a.c. motor, transformer, reflected impedance in transformer, use of transformer.                                                                                            

(b) MAGNETOSTATICS:              
1.   Magnetic  field, Lorentz  force, Cyclotron  motion,  cycloid  motion,  Biot-Savart  law, Magnetic field due to a steady current in (a) straight conductor and (b) a circular coil. 
Divergence and Curl of a magnetic field.                                                     
2.   Ampere’s circuital law: magnetic field due to a (a) long straight conductor and (b) an infinite solenoid carrying a steady current, Magnetic scalar and vector potential. Force
and torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field, Current loop as a magnetic


  1. we are very sorry for the delay. we dont have the 2017 question paper but we will try to find it and provide you. But a small suggestion for you, generally gauhati university dont give more question from the last year they generally provides question from other previous year like 2016, or 2015 ect

  2. Sir question paper from this site did not match with gu question paper but syllabus is ok

    1. sir i am talking about the question paper only.. i will try to give matvhing question papers.


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