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Gauhati University Question Papers for Physics 4th Semester

Gauhati University Question Papers for Physics 4th Semester

Question Paper from 2010 available        

   More than 50 question papers every semester

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Paper 101
 Paper 102

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PAPER: 401 (THEORY)    

1.   Differential  Equations:  Second  order  linear  differential  equations,  series  method  of  solutions
(Frobenius),  Legendre’s  differential  equations,  Legendre’s  polynomial,  Hermite’s  differential 
equations, Hermite’s polynomial, generating function, spherical harmonics, orthogonal properties
& recurrence relations.                                                      
2.   Probability theory: Mutually exclusive events, theorem of total probability, compound events and theorem  of  compound  probability.  Probability  distributions  -Gaussian  distribution,  mean  and standard deviation.                                                            

1.   Functional   organisation   of   a   digital   computer-CPU,    memory,   input/output   unit.
Flowcharts, Algorithms, High level Computer languages, programming in one high level
language  (eitherFORTRAN-95  or C or C

). Data types, different  types of variables, 
important commands, I/O statements, relation and logical statements, transfer statements, string manipulation, subscripted variables, Functions and subroutines.           

PAPER: 402 (THEORY)              

 (a) WAVE OPTICS:       

1 Interference: Concept of light wave and its equation, complex representation of superposition of waves, meaning of coherence, to show that interference fringes are hyperbolic in general, condition for straight  fringes,  Stokes’  law, interference  due to Fresnel’s  biprism,  interference  by a plane parallel film, wedge shaped film, colour of thin film, Newton’s rings, Michelson interferometer and its application for finding difference in wavelengths.           

2 Diffraction: Difference between Fresnel and Fraunhofer classes, half-period zones and strips, Zone plate  and  its  lensing  property,  diffraction  at  a  straight  edge  and  at  a  circular  aperature  (with
reference to microscope), Fraunhofer diffraction due to a single slit, double slit and transmission
gratng, wavelength measurement by the plane transimission grating, resolving power of a grating, theory of concave grating.                                              

3 Polarisation:  Double  refraction,  optic  axis  and  CaCO3   crystal,  plane,  circular  and  elliptically polarised  light, Retarding  plates and their uses for producing  and analysing  different  polarised light, specific rotation of plane of polarisation and half-shade polarimeter.      

(b) SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY:                                      

1. Formulation    of    Special    Theory    of    Relativity    and    Relativistic    Kinematics: The need for a new model of kinematics (relativity). Electromagnetism and null result of Michelson-Morley  experiment, negation of ether concept. Postulates of special theory of 
relativity. Galilean transformation (Newtonian kinematics) and Lorentz transformation. Application  of  Lorentz  transformation,.   Length  contraction,  time  dilation  and  their examples   and   application   to   physical   situations   (viz.   muon   decay).   Relativistic transformation of velocity. Relativistic Doppler Effect and twin paradox.         

2. Relativistic  Momentum  and  Energy,  Space-time:  Relativistic  momentum  and  energy.
Equivalence of mass and energy. Massless particles (i.e. photons). The geometry of space- time and space-time interval. Time-like and space-like events .Concept of four-vectors and
Minkowski space.

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