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Gauhati University Question Papers for Physics 1st Semester

Gauhati University Question Papers for Physics 1st Semester

Question Paper from 2010 available


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Paper 101
 Paper 102

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PAPER: 101 (THEORY)             

1. Vector  analysis:  Vectors,  Scalars,  Vector  algebra,  Product  rules,  Vector  fields,  scalar fields.
2. Vector differentiation: Ordinary derivatives of vectors, space curves, Partial derivatives of vectors, Differentials of vectors, Concept of gradient, divergence and curl. Application of
above concept to simple physical phenomena.                                               


1.   Non-inertial systems and fictitious forces, rotating frame of reference, fictitious/apparent force  in  a rotating  co-ordinate  system,  Coriolis  force,  Coriolis  and  centrifugal  forces
produced  as a result  of earth's  rotation.  Deflection  of a freely  falling  body,  effect  of 
Coriolis force on the horizontal straight line motion of a body on the surface of the earth.

2.   Work-energy theorem, integral of the equation of motion, conservative forces, potential energy,  conservative  force  as  the  negative  gradient  of  potential  energy,  curl  of  a
conservative  force,  non-conservative  forces,  general  law  of  conservation  of  energy.

3. Mechanics  of  a  system  of  particles,  centre  of  mass,  motion  of  the  centre  of  mass, conservation  of  momentum,  calculation  of centre  of mass  of (i) non-uniform  rod,  (ii) semicircular  arc (iii) semi-circular  disk and (iv) solid hemisphere.  Laboratory  frame of
reference  and  centre  of  mass  frame  of  reference,  two  dimensional  elastic  collision  in laboratory frame of reference and centre of mass frame.    
4. Angular momentum, angular momentum of a system of particles in terms of the centre of mass co-ordinate, conservation law of angular momentum, angular momentum and fixed
axis rotation  of a rigid  body,  moment  of inertia,  calculation  of moment  of inertia  for spherical bodies (shell, hollow and solid). The compound pendulum, determination of g by
Kater's pendulum.                                 
5. Gravitation, gravitational field and potential due to spherical shell and solid sphere.

PAPER: 102 (THEORY)   
1.   Harmonic Motion: Simple Harmonic motion, Composition of two simple harmonic oscillations at right angles, Lissajous figures. Free, damped and forced oscillations, resonance, and sharpness of resonance. 
2.   Wave Motion: Wave motion in an elastic medium, characteristic of progressive waves, mathematical representation of a progressive wave. Differential wave equation in one
dimension,  solution  of  wave  equation  (method  of  separation  of  variables).  Energy density  of  plane  progressive  waves,  Superposition   of  waves.  Stationary  waves,
characteristics of stationary waves.    
3.   Sound Waves: Velocity of longitudinal waves in a solid bar. Intensity of sound wave.
Units of intensity. Acoustics of auditorium, reverberation, Sabine's law.     

4.   Fourier analysis: Fourier analysis and evaluation of Fourier coefficients. Application of Fourier analysis to square and saw tooth waves. Equation of transverse vibration of a stretched string, energy of vibrating string, plucked string and struck string.

(b) RAY OPTICS:   

1.   Fermat’s  principle:  Fermat’s  principle  and its application  in establishing  laws of reflection and refraction at spherical and plane boundaries. 
2.    Matrix method: Translation matrix and Refraction Matrix, use of matrix method in 
refraction at a spherical surface and refraction through thin lens.  
3.   Lens system: Sign convention, conjugate foci, relation for refraction of paraxial rays at  single  spherical  surface,  interrelation  among  lateral,  longitudinal  and  angular
magnification,  Lagrange’s  law  and  Helmholtz  equation  and  its  modification  for
telescopic system.      
4.   Defects of image: Spherical aberration and its magnitude for thin lens for object at finite  distance  and  condition  for  minimum  aberration  when  object  is  at  infinity,
Minimization  of  spherical  aberration  by  using  suitable  lens  of  different  radii  of curvature and by aplanatic surface, Qualitative idea about coma, astigmatism and distortion, Chromatic aberration, circle of least confusion, achromatism of two thin
lenses separated by a distance.                                                                       

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