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Gauhati University Question Papers for Statistics 6th Semester

Gauhati University Question Papers for  Statistics 6th Semester

Question Paper from 2010 available       


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Paper M601: Statistical Inference 2                     
Credit - 6
Unit 1:                                                                                                
Interval  Estimation:  -           Concept  of  confidence  interval  and  confidence  co-efficient, confidence  intervals  for parameters  of univariate  normal  & two independent normal.
Unit 2:                                                                                                                        

Testing  of  Hypothesis:  -    Statistical  Hypothesis—Simple,  Composite,  Statistical  tests, critical region, errors of Type I and Type II , Size & Power of a test, Definition of MP, and UMP tests, Neyman Pearson Lemma and  its  application  in  testing  hypothesis  regarding  univariate normal distribution, Power curves of UMP tests with simple illustrations; Likelihood ratio test, test for parameters of univariate and two variate normal distribution and equality of parameters of two independent univariate normal distributions.

Unit 3:                                                                                                                        
Non-Parametric Tests: - Need for non-parametric tests, non-parametric and distribution free, Contingency  and Association,  chi-square  test, Kolmogrov- Smirnov  test  (one  and  two  samples),  Run  test  (one  and  two samples),   Sign   test   for   location   of  univariate   and   bivariate population,  median  test,  Spearman  rank  correlation,  Kendall’s Tau,  Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney   test,  Wilcoxon  signed  rank  test 

(derivation  of tests not required;  their application  and use to be stressed upon).
Paper M602: Design of Experiments                      (Internal 20%) Credit - 6
Analysis  of  variance:  -       Introduction,  linear  models,  AOV  with  one  way,  two  way classified data (one observation per cell), Applications of AOV in detail, violation of assumptions in AOV, transformation. [Only fixed effect model] study of relationship between two variables.
Analysis  of Covariance:-  Idea of one way and two way classified  data, Application  of

AOCOV (without derivation and without practical).

Principles of experimentation: -Randomization, Replication and Local Control. Techniques of error control, choice of size, shape and structure of experimental units, grouping of experimental units, analysis of completely randomized design, randomized block, Latin square designs, and their affiances, Factorial experiments (2s(s=2(1)5). Confounding in Factorial experiments, Total and Partial; balanced confounding. Confounding  of main effects: Split plot arrangements.  Techniques  for analysis of
experiments with one missing yields ( RBD & LSD).

Paper M603: Applied Statistics – 2                    

Official Statistics:                                                                                                          Study 

of population Census in India (Highlights of last two censuses); India as a whole & the  state  of  Assam.  Functions  of  NSSO  and  CSO,  Functions  of  National  Statistical Commission (NSC) Simple Registration system.

 Source of demographic data, vital rates, crude birth rates, general fertility rates, age specific fertility  rates,  total fertility  rate, gross  and net reproduction  rates,  crude death  rate, age specific  mortality  rates,  infant  mortality  rate,  complete  life  table-  concepts,  different columns  &  their  relationships;  Standardised  rates,  idea  of  abridged  life  table  without 

construction, Population Projection by Logistic curve and its fitting, Basic idea of  Stable and Stationary population. Introduction and Basic Ides of Biostatistics & Epideniology.

Statistical Quality Control                                                             

Theoretical basis of statistical quality control in industry. Tolerance limit. Different kinds of 

control charts

x , R charts, p and c charts, and group control charts. Acceptance sampling. 

Single, O.C . and A.S.N. functions. Sampling by attributes and variables. Use of Dodge- Romig and other tables.

Paper M604 : Computer Programming  and Multivariate Analysis               

Multivariate Analysis:                                                                             

 Bivariate  Normal Distribution  and its properties;  Marginal  and Conditional  distributions, independence;  Multivariate  Normal  distribution,  marginal  and  conditional  distribution, independence,   characteristic   function,   Hotelling   T2    –  idea  and  application   (without derivation); Multinomial distribution, mean, Variance, Covariance and properties. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING                                                          35 Marks
Basic idea of different  parts of a computer,  brief idea of software,  hardware;  high level languages.
Programming  in Fortran 77: Fortran constants, Fortran variables (real and integer), type declaration  statements,  arithmetic  operations,  hierarchy  of  operations,  real,  integer  and mixed  mode  arithmetic,  use  of  simple  built-in  library  functions,  simple  input-output statements  without  format  statement,  use of DO loops,  Nested  Do loops  and While-Do statement. Writing small programs for determination of commonly used statistical measures and for carrying out simple statistical analysis.
Flowchart  symbols and their uses, construction  of  Algorithms.

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