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Gauhati University Question Papers for Chemistry 2nd Semester

Gauhati University Question Papers for Chemistry 2nd Semester

Question Paper from 2010 available      


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Semester  II

PAPER M 201    Physical Chemistry      Unit  2.1  Gaseous State                         
Deviations from ideal behaviour, van der Waals equation of state, Virial equation of state, Critical phenomena, Equation of Corresponding States. Kinetic theory of gases, distribution of molecular speeds. Mean, root mean square and most probable speeds, Collision cross section, Mean free path.

Transport properties, Flux and Fick’s law of diffusion, thermal conductivity and viscosity of gas from kinetic theory.

Degrees of freedom, Principle of equipartition of energy. Molecular basis of heat capacity.

Unit  2.2  Liquid State                                  

Structure of liquid (qualitative treatment) – structure of liquid water and ice. Physical properties of liquid – determination of vapour pressure, capillary action, determination of surface tension and viscosity. Refractive index of liquids. Elementary idea of structure, physicalproperties and uses of liquid crystals.

Unit 2.3 Colligative Properties                      

Thermodynamic treatment of colligative properties. Ostwald’s law and Henry’s law. Definition of colligative property, ebullioscopy, cryoscopy, calculations based on relative lowering of vapour pressure and solubility of an ideal solute. Osmosis, van’t Hoff’s equation. Abnormal colligative properties.

Real solution – activity, activity coefficient.

Unit 2.4  Electrochemistry                       
Ion transport and conductivity. Molar conductance and its temperature dependence. Kohlrausch’s law. Mobility of ions and conductivity. Transport number of ions and its determination.

Debye-Huckel-Onsager equation, Stokes-Einstein relation. Activity of ions. Debye- Huckel theory (elementary ideas) of strong electrolytes. Ionic strength of solutions.

Electrochemical cells, measurement of emf, electrode potenmtial, sign convention. Different types of electrodes, the calomel electrode. Nernst equation, the electrochemical potential and its measurement. Equilibrium constants and activity coefficients from standard electrode potentials.

Concentration cell with and without transference, Galvanic cells, Fuel cell, Batteries and
Dry cell. Corrosin.

Strong and weak electrolytes, dissociation equilibria of weal electrolytes. Ostwald’s dilution law. pK of acids and bases. Buffer solution. Henderson Hasselbach equation. Buffer action.

Internal Assessment         

PAPER M 202   Organic Chemistry     

Unit 2.5   Stereoisomerism                                                                             

Conformation of molecules - ethane, butane, cyclohexane, relative stability of conformers.

Concept of topocity and prostereoisomerism, criteria of establishing topocity of groups, atoms and faces, designation of stereoheterotopic atoms, groups and faces.

Unit  2.6   Reaction Mechanism 2

a) Mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution. Directive influence of groups, activation and deactivation of aromatic rings, o/p ratio, mechanism to be given with examples.

b) Mechanism of nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Intermediate complex mechanism, benzyne mechanism. Directive influences in benzyne mechanism. Cine substitution, methods of trapping benzyne intermediates.

Unit  2.7   Organic Compounds            

I.  Aliphatic Compounds: General methods of preparation, physical properties, reactions and

functional group transformation of

a.   Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons b.   Alkyl halides
c.   Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, diols, triols d.   Carbonyl compounds
e.   Carboxylic acids

f.   Nitro compounds, and

g.   Primary, secondary and tertiary amines

II. Aromatic Compounds: General methods of preparation, Physical properties, Reactions and

functional group transformation of aromatic (benzene) compounds. h.   Benzenes and arenes
i.   Aromatic Halogen compounds c.   Phenols and benzyl alcohols
d.   Aromatic carbonyl compounds

e)   Aromatic carboxylic acids f)   Aromatic nitro compounds g)   Aromatic amines and
h)   Polynuclear hydrocarbons-naphthalene, anthracene.

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