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Gauhati University Question Papers for Chemistry Major 1st semseter

Gauhati University Question Papers for Chemistry Major 1st semester 

Question Paper from 2010 available  

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Paper 101
 Paper 102

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First Year


PAPER M 101      Physical Chemistry                       Unit 1.1      Chemical Thermodynamics   
Definition of thermodynamic terms, closed, open and isolated system; surroundings, energy, heat, work, internal energy. The first law, calculation of work done during expansion of gas, thermodynamic reversibility, heat capacity, enthalpy and its significance, significance of heat and work.

State functions and differentials; variation of internal energy and enthalpy with temperature, Joule-Thomson experiment and liquefaction of gases; relation between Cp and CV; Calculation of work done on adiabatic expansion; relation between P,V and in adiabatic processes.

Thermochemistry- standard enthalpy changes, derivation of Hess’s law and Kirchhoff’s law. Relation of reaction enthalpy with changes in internal energy. Calculation of bond dissociation energies from thermochemical data.

Unit 1.2       Chemical Thermodynamics      

The second law, entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes. Clausius inequality, calculation of entropy changes during various processes.

Helmholtz function and Gibb’s function and the direction of spontaneous change. Thermodynamics of chemical reactions - Equilibrium constant of a reaction in terms of standard Gibb’s function, dependence of equilibrium constant of temperature and pressure.

Standard entropy of a reaction and standard Gibbs function of formation. Maxwell’s relations and derivation of thermodynamic equation of state; Gibb’s-Helmholtz equation, variation of Gibb’s function with pressure and temperature. Brief idea of partial molar quantity,  chemical potential and Gibb’s-Duhem equation.

Third law of thermodynamics – Nernst heat theorem.

Unit 1.3      Chemical Kinetics       

Concept of reaction rate and rate laws. Order and molecularity of reaction. Integrated rate expression for zero, first and second order reactions. Half-life period.

Consecutive and concurrent reaction. Steady state and rate determining step approximation. Simple problems on Steady State approximation. Experimental determination of rate and order of reaction. Temperature dependence of reaction rate and

Arrhenius plots.

Kinetics of chain reaction, H2-Br2 reaction, thermal decomposition of ethanol, branching and non-branching chain reaction - H2 + O2  H2O reaction. Homogeneous catalysis, acid-base catalysis. Enzyme catalysis, Michalis-Menten equation, effect of pH and temperature. Zeolites and its uses in cracking and reforming of petroleum.

Internal assessment                

PAPER M 102     Organic Chemistry      

Unit  1.4      Introduction to Organic Compounds   
IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Hybridization of carbon in organic compounds. Bond angles, bond length and bond energies. Electron delocalization effects in organic compounds, tautomerism. Hydrogen bonding and its effect on the properties of organic molecules. Acid-base behaviour, pKa values and factors effecting acidity/
basicity of organic compounds.

Unit  1.5     Stereoisomerism                                                                        

Types of steroisomerism - conformational and configurational isomers, enantiomers & diastereomers, Ï€-distereomers- differences in physical and chemical properties of Ï€- diastereomers. Syn/anti, cis/trans & E/Z designation. Stereomutation of  Ï€-diastereomers. Cis- trans isomerism in cycloalkanes- (upto 6- membered rings)

Enantiomers - optical activity, asymmetry, dissymmetry or chirality, racemic modification, & methods of resolution of racemic modification & projection formula- Flying-wedge formula, Fischer, Newman & Sawhorse projection. Criteria for showing optical activity, examples of optically active molecules without chiral centre, Atropisomerism.

Unit 1.5   Organic Reaction Mechanism1          

Idea of driving force, activation energy, transition state, energy profile diagrams, concept of kinetic and thermodynamic control of reactions, Homolytic and heterolytic bond fission, Types of reagents-electrophiles and nucleophiles. Types of reaction
intermediates- carbocations carboanions, carbenes, free radicals nitrenes arynes.

Mechanism of organic reactions

A.  Addition reactions : electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical mechanism.

B) Substitution reactions : electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical mechanism

B.  Elimination reaction : β−elimination reaction - base catalysed and pyrolytic elimination reactions.

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